viernes, 15 de abril de 2011

Germany Essay Partial 3

     Germany was the main country involved in World War Two. Actually, this country started all the problems in Europe and in the rest of the world. One of the causes of World War Two was the strong nationalism and feeling of superiority by the Germans implemented by Hitler. Everything started when Hitler didn’t follow the treaty of Versailles and wanted to conquer other places. The first movement made by the Germans was the creation of a military army and the demilitarization of the Rhineland zone. France and Great Britain didn’t care about the consequences of this events.

      In 1938, Hitler’s first move was the creation of Anschluss (union of Austria with Germany)in which he used propaganda and sent followers to spread the idea of Nazism to convince Austrians to join him. In the same year, Hitler also convinced France and Great Britain to ask Czechoslovaquia for Sudetenland but he took all the country. By 1939, the Policy of Appeasement made by the Allies to grant Germany some concesions for economic recovery and to avoid a new war, was completely broken. Also, Hitler signed up the Nazi-Soviet pact with the USSR, in which he would have a free hand in Poland without the counterattack of Stalin because they agreed to have peaceful relations. The Second World War officially started on September the 1st, 1939 when Germany attacked Poland having the pretext of a supposed attack to German borders. Great Britain gave Hitler two days to step out of poland but he didn't give up. war was finally declared in Europe.
     In 1940, Hitler did great advances. He invaded Norway, Luxemburg, Belgium, Netherlands and France. In May, he surprised the French by passing the Maginot line through the ocean by Belgium and on June 22 France signed an armistice with Germany giving up two thirds of France, named France of Vichy. On August of the same year, Hilter made the Operation Barbarosa, which purposa was attacking Great Britain and mainly London by the Luftwaffe for 76 consecutive nights. More than a million London houses were destroyed or damaged, and more than 40,000 civilians were killed. One characteristic of his advances was that he focused his objective extremely to achieve his goals.
    Months later, he focused on the west side on Europe and made the Operation Barbarossa, he tried to attack against USSR by entering to Moscow, named the Batlle of Stalingrad, but he failed making the same mistake Napoleon did. The bad conditions of the weather and place many german soldiers died, weakening the army. This was the major defeat.In the other side, Hitler became really andry and stressed because he was losing and he couldn't be defeated and due to the defeats of Mussolini in North Africa, he created a Military trained and equipped army for war in the desert named Africa Korps leaded by Edwin Rommel. 
       The allied Victory in North Africa enabled the invasion of Italy, and when Italy surrenders, Germany took over the battle. On 1942 USA inviteew
d Mexicans citizens to participate in WW2, Mexico accepts. German Submarine attacks by sinking a oil tank of and a merchandise ship of Mexico. Mexico gets mad and declares war to Germany in May 1 in 1942.
      In 1945 Auschwitz was liberated by the Soviet Union. Hitler was much in stressed; he didn’t trust anyone, because of all the countries and persons that betray him. Defeated, Hitler on April 1945 decided to hide with his close followers and his wife and commit suicide. On February the “Yalta Conference” was created and they discussed about Germany, they were afraid of his actions so they supervised and make sure they were no more troubles there, no more war and no more troubles.. or that was what they thought. Germany was supervised from everywhere and Berlin was separated in two, the communist part and the capitalist part, having many social, economical and political problems. This events marked a new stage in this country.
     In one way, USSR sought to weaken Germany to avoid future war, and promote communism; on the other hand, the Western Allies (USA, UK, and France) wanted to reassert democracy and rebuild German industry against communist ideology. Germany was the country where the Cold War, manifested most clearly. With the assistance of the German Communist Party leadership, the Soviet occupying power pushed ahead with political and social change. This concentrated all political and social functions in the hands of the German communists and the persons they trusted. 

      After 1947 Germany was divided in two: East and West sectors, the division being formalized following the Berlin blockade 1948–49 and the building of the Berlin Wall in 1961. Rapid militarization ensued on both sides of the East–West border as Germany became front line in the Cold War. Later East Germany disintegrated and the reunification of Germany took place in 1990. 
     The construction of the berlin wall began early in the morning of Sunday, August 13, 1961. It was a desperate & effective move by the German Democratic Republic to stop East Berliners escaping from the Soviet-controlled East German state into the West of the city, which was then occupied by the Americans, British and French.
      We must say that Germany was a very problematic country and was involved in so many troubles because its feeling of superiority implemented by Hitler. Although he was very intelligent, he didn't use his brain to do something good to the country or to the world, he was very ambicious but finally was defeated. He did terrible things to innocent people and created troubles that could be avoided. 

Video of the development of war*(:


German Side of World War 2. 13 April 2011 <>.
History. 14 April 2011 <>.
Jackson J. Spielvogel, PH.D. World History Modern Times. Columbus, Ohio: Glencoe, 2008.

Gabriela Rivera   A01175709
Valeria Garza     A01175851
Carolina Garza   A01175854

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